Thematic Elements in the Hammer of Fire

My third book, the Hammer of Fire, will be released within the next two weeks and I go into details about the thematic elements of the book in this YouTube video.

The three main elements are Isolationism, Meritocracy, and the Corrupting Influence of Power. Please take a look at the video and keep an eye on my page to see when the novel is released. It will be priced, as always, at $2.99 for the Kindle, Nook, or any digital device.

Tom Liberman
Sword and Sorcery fantasy with a Libertarian Twist

The Hammer of Fire – Rough Draft Complete

The Hammer of FireI just finished up the rough draft on the Hammer of Fire, my third sword and sorcery novel. You can check out its page on my site here.

It should take me about a month or less to clean up the draft and do the rewrites and then it is off to my expert proof-reader, mom. I’ll need a cover as well and I’m hoping that Raro (some racy photos through that link, beware. Nothing pornographic) will agree to the task!

Tom Liberman
Sword and Sorcery fantasy with a Libertarian Twist

The Staff of Sakatha – Character Video – Jon Gray

Jon GrayI’ve neglected my videos of late and managed to get today off from work so I’ve just made a the latest in the series. You can go to my book pages to see the videos so far created for The Staff of Naught and the Staff of Sakatha.

Here is the direct link to the video about Jon Gray the main protagonist from the Staff of Sakatha.

Tom Liberman
Sword and Sorcery fantasy with a Libertarian Twist