Newest Prime Number Stupid Comment of the Week

Newest-PrimeAnd with a triumphant return we have my newest Stupid Comment of the Week!

There was an interesting article about how software using computer idle time is performing mathematical calculations to find prime numbers. Such software found the largest one yet back in September but news of it is being spread far and wide through the internet.

Upon reading this story a fellow named Michael Mulranen decided to post his mathematical acumen for the world to see with his comment as displayed in the image above.

Michael then went on to defend the argument with more comments! First he attacks someone who dared point out his logic was idiotic by commenting on their spelling. Then he defends his original argument.

More-prime-defenseFinally he attacks another person who told him his argument was wrong.

Congratulations, Michael. You are my Stupid Commenter of the Week!

Oh, and of course, Prime Numbers are by their nature odd numbers. Any odd number to which five is added will be an even number and therefore not prime. This was pointed out to Michael but he doesn’t want to listen.

Tom Liberman
Sword and Sorcery fantasy with a Libertarian Ideology
Current Release: The Girl in Glass I: Apparition
Next Release: The Gray Horn



Dog Stoned for Days – Headline and Comments

I’m happy to report that my Misleading Headline of the Week and Stupid Comment of the Week come from the same story! That certainly makes my job easier.

Colorado Dog Gets Stoned for Days After Ingesting Marijuana blares the headline from a newcomer to my stupid and misleading headline category, Complex.

The article then goes on to describe symptoms that pretty much exactly match those exhibited by dogs who ingest chocolate.

Most of the comments on the article were fairly spot on in suggesting that chocolate was the cause of the dog’s problems, not the supposed marijuana.

However, an apparent animal lover posted a rant that is fairly difficult to follow because it’s largely incoherent. The gist of it seems to be that the media shouldn’t report incidents of animals being abused by their owners because that encourages people to abuse animals so they can read their stories in the news. Uh … no.

Have a great week!

See you next time with Stupid and Misleading Headlines and Stupid Comment of the Week!

Tom Liberman
Sword and Sorcery fantasy with a Libertarian Ideology
Current Release: The Girl in Glass I: Apparition
Next Release: The Gray Horn

Evian Championship Stupid Comment

Results-Evian-Stupid-CommentIn the second installment of my Stupid Comment of the week our winner is TXH1138 (reference to the 1971 George Lucas film) who complains that AFP is to blame for him or her seeing the results of the 2015 Evian Championship.

The event is a major on the women’s golf tour and was won by a young New Zealand professional named Lydia Ko.

Apparently it is the job of AFP and Yahoo, who redistributed the story, to wait for good old TXH1138 to make it known that he or she has seen the results of the event before publishing their articles.

Good luck with that.

Tom Liberman
Sword and Sorcery fantasy with a Libertarian Ideology
Current Release: The Girl in Glass I: Apparition
Next Release: The Gray Horn


Gravity Changed – Stupid Comment

Earth-Gravity-IdiocyI read a lot of news articles every week and generally sample the comment section to see what people are thinking. While doing so I run across a lot of trolling, racism, and sheer stupidity.

I have my Misleading Headline of the Week but I’m considering adding a weekly Stupid Comment of the Week to the my regular posts. If I continue this trend I will try not to post Trolls but legitimate comments made by people who just didn’t think it all the way through.

We’re all guilty of that on occasion, so don’t get too high and mighty because your comment might be the next one I do!

Anyway, here’s the first and maybe last

The original article describes how researchers recently discovered the remnants of a large Henge built not far from Stonehenge. All that’s left is a few underground pieces of rock but it’s an impressive find.

The person who commented apparently thinks that the site was built at the time the Earth was still forming and had a much smaller gravity. The lack of basic knowledge about gravity, the geologic timeline of the earth, the nature of a man-made structure, and a number of other factors makes this comment my inaugural entry.

So, what do you think? Is this a feature I should continue?

Tom Liberman
Sword and Sorcery fantasy with a Libertarian Ideology
Current Release: The Girl in Glass I: Apparition
Next Release: The Gray Horn