The Vulnerability of the Faithful to Scams

With Covid-19 spreading around the United States and the rest of the world I wanted to address a topic that has long been on my radar, the vulnerability of the faithful to scams. People of deep religious convictions are considered faithful. This means they believe in their deity without proof, I do not mean to […]

United States Government now a Sopranos Associate

With this latest, and unstoppable, economic bailout the United States now officially declares itself a Sopranos Associate. The government currently owes $22 trillion and, with the stimulus package in the works, that number is going to rise more rapidly that in any time in the history of the country. What you have to understand is […]

Government Responsibility for Fake Coronavirus Cures

Coronavirus, Covid-19, is big news around the world these days and I like to examine what responsibility government has to protect citizens from the plethora of fake Coronavirus cures that are being promulgated far and wide. As a Libertarian I don’t think the government has much responsibility in protecting us from ourselves. I oft rail […]

Nello Bans Single Women from the Bar Illustrating Compound Stupidity

There’s a news story making the rounds about an upscale restaurant in New York City called Nello which has instituted a policy wherein they have banned single women from sitting at the bar. Such women must sit at a table. It’s a double-dipping, moronic, Libertarian Triggering, nightmare of epic proportions! The reason for the new […]

DraftKings Sports Betting National Championship Mayhem

During the recent DraftKings Sports Betting National Championship held in New Jersey an interesting situation involving computer technology is causing a bit of a fuss and I find the whole thing very interesting from a legal, sports, and Libertarian perspective. Recently the Supreme Court ruled the prohibition against sports betting was unconstitutional and the various […]

Gamblers Lose Willingly and Kentucky Wins Legally

An astonishing case just reached its first stop when Franklin Circuit Court Judge Thomas Wingate ruled that the state of Kentucky can claim triple $290 million dollars in gambling losses of residents between 2006 and 2011. For a period  of time a company called Poker Stars offered internet gambling across the United States. In 2006 a […]

New York Outlaws Daily Fantasy Sports

Daily Fantasy Sports is a quickly growing industry wherein people pick athletes in an attempt to win cash. They are an offshoot of Rotisserie or Fantasy Sports leagues which have been around for quite some time. The New York attorney general has now said they are illegal within that state. Eric Schneiderman draws a distinction between […]

PokerStars vs the US Casino Trade Group

There is an interesting situation developing in regards to gambling in the United States that in some ways epitomizes one of the things that Crony Capitalism does to destroy true capitalism. It’s a complex situation and I’m certain that I don’t fully understand all the legal technicalities but I thought it was a story worth exploring. What […]