Asteroid to Hit Earth within 200 Years – Misleading Headline

Not really a misleading headline more of a stupid one. Pretty interesting article though. Give it a read. I’ve got news for your Dr. Headline Writer. An asteroid will hit the earth within the next fourteen days. They are doing so all the time. Tom Liberman Sword and Sorcery fantasy with a Libertarian Ideology Current Release: […]

Misleading Headline – Court Ordered Circumcision

I just spotted a story from Good Morning America that blares out that a woman was recently released from prison after disputing the circumcision of her son. The headline in this case is actually not bad, it’s the story itself that is misleading. If you read the story they simply state that the son of Heather […]

The Chocolate Chip Cookie Misleading Headline

Fooled again! Those darn headline writers got me, although this time I can’t complain too much because whoever wrote the story has a good point. It’s a bit of a double-misdirection whammy because the actual headline on the story is accurate, it’s just its re-imagining in Yahoo News that lures in the unwary (me). Boring, bland: […]

Refused Chemo in Remission – Misleading Headline

Those darn misleading headlines! I’m aware and wary but this one got me! Connecticut Teen Who Refused Chemo Now in ‘Remission,’ Seeks Freedom blares the headline. There have been a number of stories in the news in the last few months about young people who did not want to get chemotherapy. In several cases the […]

Collapsing Bee Colony Mystery Solved or Misleading Headline

I have a late class this morning so I’ve got some time to read the news and I came across a second ridiculously misleading headline. Well, it’s beyond misleading. It’s a complete falsehood. The headline is misleading and the story behind it is worse. Mystery of Bee Colony Collapse May have been Solved screams the headline […]

Misleading Headline – Bill Walton calls Michael Jordan Average

I woke up this morning to find an no-brainer addition to my misleading headline of the week collection. Bill Walton thinks Michael Jordan was just an Average Athlete blare the headlines from stories across the sporting world. Anyone who follows basketball knows that Jordan is arguably the greatest player in the history of the National Basketball Association […]

We were Blindsided – Misleading Headline

I just read an interesting article and was “blindsided” by the blatant and disgusting misleading blurb that accompanied the headline. The story  comes from Yahoo news and involves a Maryland school district that decided to remove all religious holiday references from their calendar rather than include references to Muslim holidays. The headline itself is accurate: […]

Ex-NYPD Officer an Anti-Semite – Misleading Headline

And NBC News claims the big award for misleading headline of the week with this doozy: Former NYPD Officer Arrested for Anti-Semitic Graffiti in Brooklyn The headline is one of those things that is technically correct but incredibly misleading. The fellow being charged with the crimes, Michael Setiawan, served in some capacity for the New York […]

Scientists Clone Two People – Misleading Headline

And we have a winner! U.S. Scientists Clone Two Adults screams the headline looking for clicks. I generally read the Science sections of various news outlets and have been following this story for a few days. It’s hardly what the headline purports. The real idea here is that they took genetic information from adults and produced […]