Censorship and Freedom of Speech

The other day at a Halloween party I got into a discussion with a fellow who seemed to have a confused idea of the relationship between Censorship and Freedom of Speech. It’s not the first time I’ve seen this misunderstanding both in person and more commonly in the comments section on news articles. Today I […]

Freedom with Rainbow and Confederate Flags

In this country there is a fairly hearty debate about the power of flags. The debate strikes this Libertarian close to home when we compare the Rainbow and Confederate flags. There is a general attitude in the population that flying one is freedom of speech but banning the other is acceptable. Now, I am aware […]

The Taliban from Freedom Fighters to Bounty Hunters

The Taliban of Afghanistan are in the news once again it gives me the opportunity to, once again, beg my fellow citizens to adopt a Libertarian stance toward involving ourselves in foreign conflicts. You see, my devoted readers, the Taliban was founded by Freedom Fighting Mujahedeen warriors largely assembled, funded, and trained by your tax […]

Energy Freedom

A fellow by the name of John Gallagher invited me to be on his podcast to talk about energy freedom and I just finished up. It was an interesting discussion. Normally John talks with environmentalists and he thought having a Libertarian would be an interesting change of pace. We agreed on many things although not […]

The Terrorist Threat to Freedom

The winter Olympics are coming soon and will be held in the Russian city of Sochi. There are concerns about security at the Olympics which were illustrated by a Chechen terrorist threat against the city of Volgograd twice within twenty-four hours. These attacks were likely made by Muslims from Chechnya; which has been in a […]

Freedom of Speech – Duck Dynasty and what it Doesn’t Mean

There’s an interesting story making the rounds about the star of a television show called Duck Dynasty. The story seems to engender a great deal of confusion about the First Amendment to the Constitution and the idea of Freedom of Speech. The confusion runs so deep that even the governor of Louisiana, Bobby Jindal, apparently […]

Your Freedom is my Freedom – Child Forced to Participate in Pledge of Allegiance

There’s a great story in the news today. A teacher from the Sunshine state of Florida forced her Jehovah’s Witness fourth grade student to place his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance. When the student resisted the teacher told him “You are an American, and you are supposed to salute the flag.” […]

Fired for 1963 Fake Dime Stunt – How Badly Worded Laws Endanger Freedom

There is an interesting little case in the news today that reminds me how important it is that legislators draft well-worded laws. A fellow by the name of Richard Eggers worked for Wells Fargo as a customer service representative. Way back in 1963 he used a fake dime to do some laundry. He was sentenced to […]

Freedom of Religion

I think one of the most interesting clauses in the Constitution of the United States is that of the First Amendment’s Freedom of Religion. Recent events bring up intriguing issues in regards to its enforcement and that is the topic of my blog today. Anyway, let’s start with the actually wording of the clause, “Congress […]

Teaser – Freedom of Religion

Lately I’ve noticed a few stories where someone’s freedom of religion entitles them certain immunities to constitutional requirements. I suppose the most recent case was the birth control flap that is currently making the political rounds but there are a few more of similar ilk. It does bring up some interesting questions. What is the […]

His Dark Materials a Descent into Maudlin

I recently completed watching the HBO series His Dark Materials and found myself with mixed emotions. The series is based on the trilogy of the same name by Philip Pullman. The three books, Northern Lights, Subtle Knife, and The Amber Spyglass follow the heroine Lyra through a series of adventures. Why am I mixed in […]