Mob Mentality … Individually

There was a recent story about mob craziness that caught my eye and I want to talk about how that same crowd psychology effects individuals when communicating on the internet. Sigmund Freud said, people who are in a crowd act differently towards people from those who are thinking individually. I think it’s safe to say that […]

Half Dome at Yosemite

I recently read an article that explained how the parks department wants to curtail activity at the Half Dome in Yosemite National Park. There are various reasons for the closing and you can read the entire article if you are interested in that debate but I’d like to talk about the solution to the problem. […]

St. Louis Rams Football Fortunes

I’ve been blogging about critical thinking, disasters, personal responsibility, and other topics the last couple of days so I thought I’d take on something important this time … my beloved St. Louis Rams! You can stop laughing now … no … I’m serious … this isn’t a joke … that is to say the blog […]

Cruise Ship Disaster

The recent crash of the Costa Concordia is generating a large amount of coverage and rightly so although I’d like to take a look at it from a different angle. Let’s examine the critical thinking and decision making leading up to and after the accident. We don’t have a full picture yet so I’ll have make […]

Bernie Kosar Gambled and got Fired

Former quarterback Bernie Kosar gambled and got fired from his job for doing so. What’s up with that? Well, Kosar works for the Cleveland Browns, where he spent his career playing football, and is a regular guest on various programs associated with the team. With gambling becoming legal in Ohio, Kosar gambled $19,000 on the […]

Gambling Banking to Increase Savings?

I just watched a YouTube video about gambling banking and how it might incentivize people to increase their savings. I’ve written about gambling addiction and predatory loans recently and this video brought both of those topics to my mind. It’s highly likely that my research for those articles led the YouTube algorithm to send me […]

Hard Work without Reciprocity at Twitter

The fallout from the Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter is all over the news and a story about Musk demanding hardcore work from his employees brought to my mind the concept of reciprocity. The idea of reciprocity is fairly simple. If you do me a favor, I feel an obligation to return that favor. It’s […]

Sarah Michelle Gellar and McDonalds Misleading Headline

It’s been a while since I’ve added to my Misleading Headline category but a story regarding Sarah Michelle Gellar and a lifetime ban at McDonalds rises to the occasion. Matthew Thomas of the TheThings must be proud of sheer stupidity of this misleading headline and article. I read a lot of stories and I rarely […]

Conservation in Children Leads to Brawl Among Adults

The Video I watched a fascinating YouTube video on the psychological phenomenon of Conservation in developmental stages of a child. As I scrolled down the comment section there immediately occurred a clear and virulent divide among those who watched. This divide intrigues me. I enjoy dissecting the machinations of the human mind and the study […]

Lying About the Texas Power Crisis

The Question The Texas Power Crisis of 2021 has engendered a lot of media attention in the last weeks but what I’d like to address is the lying associated with the crisis. Why are people failing to be honest about the causes of the Texas Power Crisis and what are the long-term impacts of such […]

Troy Aikman and the Flyover

The fact Troy Aikman and Joe Buck have their patriotism put in doubt when they question the need for a flyover during an NFL game with low attendance starkly tells us about something called Ego Defense. It’s not about disagreeing; it’s about feeling devalued. It’s not about Aikman, Buck, and the flyover, it’s about your […]

The Daly Vodka Cure Misleading Headline

Is the Daly Vodka Cure really what golfer Jon Daly was suggesting in his recent video? It’s an interesting Misleading Headline because Daly pretty much did say that his one drink a day, an entire bottle of Belvedere vodka, was the way to kill Covid-19. However, I don’t think he is really suggesting the Daly […]

Should Christians Welcome Death?

The questions of should Christians Welcome Death is an interesting one and in the news of late because Reverend Tony Spell said exactly that in encouraging his religious followers to attend church amid the Covid-19 Pandemic. It’s important to understand that Spell is absolutely correct with his Christians welcome death sentiment. What, what, what? There’s […]

Nobody Thought they were Truman Burbank before Television

There are a number of people who think they are the subject of a Reality Show much like Truman Burbank from the Truman Show. They are delusional, certainly, but what is undeniable is that no one had such a mental delusion prior to the invention of television. Even after the invention of television it was […]

Sherry Tina Uwanawich and the Million Dollar Curse

There’s an interesting story in the news about a woman named Sherry Tina Uwanawich because the courts ruled she defrauded a family of $1.6 million by claiming they were under a curse. Uwanawich was ordered by the court to repay the money and sentenced to more than three years in prison. The argument of the […]

Why is Human Composting Illegal in the First Place?

The State of Washington is poised to make Human Composting legal. Human Composting is a method of disposing of a corpse by simply covering it with compostable materials where it is broken down over the course of a month or two. The process is currently illegal in most states and this Libertarian asks the obvious […]