Flu Shots Save Lives but Not All of Them

The CDC just released a study on 358 children who died from influenza in the years 2010 through 2014. What I’d like to discuss today is the disconnect between hard metrics of statistics and the reality of personal experience. I think this study gives a good chance to fully examine the issue. Despite hard statistical […]

Anita Krajnc and Giving Water to Pigs

There’s an interesting case about to be adjudicated in Ontario, Canada in which a woman named Anita Krajnc poured water into a truck full of pigs heading to slaughter from Fearmans Pork. She is only charged with a misdemeanor charge of mischief and the case is not exactly earth shattering but it demonstrates a fundamental […]

Before you Laugh at Kyrie Irving and Flat Earth Examine What you Believe without Evidence

Who was it that said something about casting stones? There’s an article all over the news today about a basketball player named Kyrie Irving who believes the earth is flat. The comment section is filled with scorn. The same commenters who generally flood stories with absolute belief in many things without any supporting evidence. President Obama banned the […]

Mars Candy – Doing What’s Right Just Because

I just read an absolutely fascinating article about Mars Candy. It states that Mars is looking to reduce the presence of their world famous M&M Brand candy in third party products like McDonald’s McFlurry because of concerns that people are eating too much sugar. It’s why they are doing this that makes this Libertarian beam with […]

Government to Regulate e-Cigarettes but Why?

Electronic Cigarettes burst onto the market in 2004 and now the government plans to regulate them in the same way they do traditional tobacco products. This despite the fact that e-cigarettes don’t use tobacco. Today I’d like to address an issue slightly deeper than just this particular piece of legislation which was announced in 2014 […]

Making Indoor Tanning Illegal for Anyone Under 18 without Consent

The Food and Drug Administration has just issued a proposed regulation on the indoor tanning industry that would bar anyone under 18 years of age from tanning without signed consent forms from their parents. Indoor tanning increases the risk of melanoma enormously. The statistics on this are overwhelming. Anyone who uses indoor tanning is putting […]

Do not take Stelara if …

I do most of my television watching on the computer using Hulu, ESPN3, and other outlets. Lately I’ve seen a commercial for a drug called Stelara quite frequently. There is something in that commercial that hit me right in my Libertarian breadbasket. A few years back the federal government regulated advertisement for pharmaceuticals. One of the […]

Parks Department Wants to Stop Selling Bottled Water – Lobbyist Convince Congress Otherwise

Yet another example of who actually runs this country was in display when the National Parks Service found that the clean-up cost associated with plastic water bottles was eating up their budgets and the bottles themselves were becoming a fairly large trash problem. Many of the parks in question decided to stop selling plastic water bottles […]

What is the Work Week?

There have been a number of stories in the news this week about something called the Work Week. We had Jeb Bush suggesting that people need to work more (he “clarified” suggesting he meant part-time workers need full-time jobs, but honestly, that’s not what he meant). A number of people are advocating reducing the Work Week to […]

Bartender Sentenced in France Drinking Death

There’s an interesting case that was just resolved in France where a bartender was sentenced to a suspended sentence and ordered not to work in a bar for a year after serving a patron fifty-six shots of alcohol in a single sitting. In the United States it’s largely illegal to serve habitual drunks or clearly intoxicated […]