Why Hate Crimes and Unmasking Antifa Legislation Show Political Hypocrisy

There is a new piece of legislation making its way through Congress that proposes an extra fifteen-year penalty for people who commit a crime while wearing a mask, Antifa. There is already similar such legislation in many states and the federal government for people who commit a crime motivated by hate. Who opposes and supports […]

The Red Hen and Masterpiece Cakeshop

Recently the White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, was asked to leave a restaurant called the Red Hen because they didn’t like her political ideology as expressed in her job. Before that a bakery called Masterpiece Cakeshop refused to make a wedding cake for a homosexual couple because of their sexual orientation. The two […]

Yanny and Laurel and the Nature of Reality

There has arisen a large kerfuffle amongst people who hear either Yanny or Laurel when a particular sound is played. It seems impossible to those listening and hearing one of the two that those who claim to hear the other are being completely honest. This gives us an interesting opportunity to peer into the realm […]

Insulin and the Web a Story of Anti-Capitalistic Self-Interest

What do Insulin and the Internet have in common? The person most responsible for each patented the technology and gave it away for free. There is a lesson to be learned for ardent Libertarians and capitalists. Back in 1922 a fellow named Frederick Banting, later Sir Frederick, managed to extract and purify something called insulin. […]

If you Like Sports you’re not a Capitalist

I’m a Libertarian and there is not much about socialism I find enticing as a political philosophy. I also like football. Finally, I’m a realist. Sports organizations exist today almost completely as a conglomerate of policies that can only be described as socialistic and communistic. Drafts are one of the most anti-capitalistic entities that exist […]

Is Discussing an Unanswerable Question a Good Idea?

Yesterday on Facebook my friend posted a philosophical question about the nature of reality and I replied with a long post. He responded this morning with another interesting question. Is it worth discussing at all? It’s a good question. The original query is largely unanswerable. Yes, we might be living in the Matrix but there […]

Lessons from the Demise of the Motion Picture Production Code

Thanks to Bing Search I learned today the Motion Picture Production Code, more commonly known as the Hays Code, was first put into effect eight-seven years ago. It stayed in place for about thirty years before it eventually was replaced with the rating system movies use to this day. The lesson I’d like to talk about […]

Breezewood PA Clashes with the Objectivist Idea of Self-Interest

Self-Interest. That’s the mantra of this Objectivist. When I act in my own self-interest I help those around me. Now I read about the interstate near a place called Breezewood, Pennsylvania and it brings the philosophy into question. Let me explain. Breezewood is a community that exists largely because there is a connecting road missing. Highway […]

The Hypocrisy of Sports and Maty Mauk

There’s big news hitting the sporting world as the oft-suspended quarterback of the Missouri Tiger football team is facing more problems thanks to a video released of him using cocaine. I think it’s hypocritical and you might find that opinion puzzling considering it’s clearly a serious violation. Maty Mauk is obviously using cocaine in the video. […]

I’m Smarter than Them

I just added a blog to my Stupid Comment of the Week collection and, while discussing it with my co-worker Joe, found his observation to be extraordinarily intriguing. His thought essential involved the idea of perceived intelligence. Let me explain. The original stupid comment involved a mathematical equation involving prime numbers but it is the […]

Tila Tequila, Cinnamon Nicole, and GoFundMe Idiocy

I happened across two interesting stories today discussing GoFundMe campaigns. One involved a woman named Tila Tequila who needed money for a new apartment while a woman named Cinnamon Nicole used the Crowd Funding source to get living expenses after spending her savings on Powerball tickets. The comments on the two stories are pretty predictable […]

Kasparov and the Problem with Moral Codes

There’s an interesting story in the world of chess that I think illustrates one of the problems with so called Ethical Codes. Former chess champion Gary Kasparov has been forbidden to hold office in the chess federation, FIDE, for two years because of an accusation of attempted bribery during his recent campaign to become president of that organization. Ethical […]