Misleading Headline Crowdfunding and Zach Braff

Zach Braff tried to destroy crowdfunding, at least that’s what the headline seems to proclaim. Despite Zach Braff, crowdfunding Continues to Grow. The article goes on to explain how Braff’s crowdfunding movie project, Wish I Was Here, brought a whole new level of interest to the idea of crowdfunding which is exactly the opposite of […]

Worst Call of the Season – Misleading Headline of the Week

It’s only Sunday and I’ve got an entire week of Motley Fool articles ahead of me, but I got suckered in by a misleading headline just now and I can’t stop myself from reporting its existence to my loyal fans. Worst Call of the Season – This Horse Collar Call blares the headline on the […]

Early Puberty = Doom – Misleading Headline of the Week

And we have a winner. In an upset it’s not from Motley Fool! iVillage posts this gem in their HealthDay section: Why Girls who Get their Period at a Younger Age are Basically Doomed. The article itself is actually pretty well written and the researchers seem to have made an excellent effort to avoid external […]

Stadium Collapse or Misleading Headline?

I’m tempted to create a series of posts entitled “Misleading Headlines” as the practice of putting headlines on stories that sensationalize articles to the point where they are misleading is becoming all the more common. I could write a daily post about ridiculous, attention promoting headlines from the online financial adviser Motley Fool. In this […]

Ian Poulter and the Misleading Putting Headline

Thanks to TaxibikeRob and Ian Poulter, this week’s Misleading Headline is also informative! The aforementioned Twitter user was confused when he was Poulter putting from on the green with the flagstick still in the hole during the Dubai Desert Classic and made mention of it on his twitter feed. The misleading Headline blared “Fan tries […]

Dog Stoned for Days – Headline and Comments

I’m happy to report that my Misleading Headline of the Week and Stupid Comment of the Week come from the same story! That certainly makes my job easier. Colorado Dog Gets Stoned for Days After Ingesting Marijuana blares the headline from a newcomer to my stupid and misleading headline category, Complex. The article then goes […]

Say What? Bad Oppo Dump Stupid Headline

In an era of bad journalism, sensational headlines, and opinion pieces that masquerade as news, The Daily Beast stands out for the latter. It’s almost a joke of a website with their articles so biased and slanted I’ve largely ignored it for stupid headlines. But I couldn’t pass up this one: Chris Christie’s Terrible Horrible […]

This Week in Stupid Headlines

Once again Motley Fool rises to the occasion. They are truly the King of Misleading and Stupid headlines. It’s interesting as they purport to be sound financial advisers. Would you take financial advice from someone who posts misleading information? I wouldn’t. What is the story really about? Do I really need to explain the stupidity […]

Does a Bad Link make a Difference?

I just witnessed a fascinating instance involving a bad link and a series of comments. One of my Facebook friends spotted what she presumably thought an interesting article and clicked the link. It went to a story about a completely different topic. She then pointed out not a single person, other than her, noticed the […]

When is a Breakthrough not a Breakthrough

I’m a bit of a buff when it comes to nuclear energy and a recent story racing through the internet involves a breakthrough in Nuclear Fusion. I’m not going to get into a highly technical discussion about Nuclear Fusion or even the details of this particularly breakthrough. If you want to know more then please […]

Destroying Some People by Paying College Athletes

Reggie Bush says paying college athletes will result in destroying some people screams the rather misleading headline. The idea that athletes will soon be paid for their name, image, and likeness (NIL) is the basis for the article. While Bush’s statement is accurate, the gist of his point is about how young athletes coming into […]

Helen Sharman says Aliens Definitely Exist

There’s a clickbait headline making the rounds this morning in regards to statements made by Helen Sharman and the idea that aliens definitely exist. Sharman traveled into space back in 1991 and the fact that she is making the statement would seem to lend it credence. To some degree it’s a misleading headline in that […]

$10 Billion Gambling Loss?

This week’s misleading headline isn’t particularly egregious in nature and anyone with a modicum of sense knew that the headline was steering people in the wrong direction even before clicking the story. Still, I picked it today because it is a classic example of someone writing a misleading headline to attract viewers when I think […]